Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Get in Touch with Expert Dental Hygienists for a Better Smile

Dental hygiene is apparently something we all love to ignore. Apart from the occasional visit to the dentist, we rarely care about oral hygiene in general. Dental hygienists make sure that your teeth and gums are doing fine without problems.

The Profession of Dental Hygienist

Our dental hygienists are registered primary health-care personnel in a team of oral doctors or dentists who provide full oral health care. They provide the patients specific input to oral hygiene to promote and maintain good oral health. They generally use therapeutic methods in controlling oral diseases while providing a tailored treatment for the same. The primary task is however to perform periodontal therapy (for periodontal diseases – caused by bacteria in plaque) along with diagnosis, radiographs, dental sealants and administering fluoride.

The Periodontal Therapy                                   
Dental Hygienists

Before starting therapies, a pre-phase is ensued, which involves careful scrutiny of the patient’s existing conditions, emergency cases and patient’s compliance with the treatment to assist him/her with long-term goals. The primary method for periodontal diseases employed by dental hygienists is No-surgical therapy by means of discussion with the patients along with therapies such as Debridement, Antimicrobial therapy, correcting local conditions, Occlusal therapy and other minor treatments.

Re-evaluation occurs after this to take further course of actions such as surgical/corrective methods with periodontal, endodontic and dental implant surgery. Followed by this is the restoration phase where in case of surgical treatment, restoration is done via various methods. The last is the maintenance phase where measures are taken to stop recurring occurrences for the disease.

Dental Services

We provide the best Sunshine dental care services including implants, surgeries, therapies and regular check-ups. Our dentists on the sunshine coast offers quality oral health-care services at affordable prices. Paediatric dentistry is the field, which also gets proper attention with our skilled dentists specialising in it. Dental Hygienists are also present who provide complete tailored treatment to all kinds of periodontal diseases as well.


  1. Dental healthcare is one of the most expensive treatments. This is the precise reason there is an increase in dental medical tourism specially in India. I came across this video of where a patient shares her experience at Dentzz.
